- Death confirmation through Discreet verification from neighbours, Relatives, employer, Village Sarpanch, Anganwadi etc.
- Death Certificate verification from issuing authority
- Cremation records check at cremation place.
- Verify Proposal stage information & declarations(Age, Income, Occupation, Other insurance policies etc)
- Claimants house visit and verification of his identity, statement recording
- Check for Pre proposal medical details & Procure all medical treatment records from concerned hospitals
- Verification from local Hospitals/ Doctors/Chemist shop
- Workplace/ Employer check
- Check at Police Station for any F.I.R.
- Procure Post Mortem Report/ Viscera Report, if any
We have team of investigators who are well versed with the kinds of frauds under Life Insurance claims Investigations they verify each and every aspect of the claim with their vigil eyes and ascertain the authenticity of the claims. We have been successful in finding pre proposal death of LA in number of cases especially in Gujrat & Rajasthan where groups of people are involved in such fraudulent policies.